Sunday, December 29, 2019

Discrimination of Muslims - 1821 Words

Introduction Discrimination is defined as the unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice. One of the most infamous topics on discrimination in our world today is that of ethnicity. Due to recent tragic events, such as the September 11 attacks, most Americans have unfairly stereotyped Muslims and the religion of Islam. People fear what they do not understand; therefore, it is important to educate citizens about the views and beliefs of Muslims. Islam is a religious culture that is torn and divided, at one end radical Islamic extremists struggle to fight what they consider a holy war by corrupting Muslim followers into believing that westerner globalization will stand in the way of the purity of Islam. These views†¦show more content†¦Infringement on an Officers Civil Rights Human Rights Watch, a non-profit organization, released a report in August of 2002 documenting confinement of 1,200 detainees in the United States (CAIR 9). Individual detainees reported problems with obtaining prompt access to legal counsel, poor conditions of confinement, and verbal and physical mistreatment. Such is the case for Captain James Yee. Captain Yee was a chaplain stationed at an Army base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The United States Army assigned the chaplain to be a spiritual consultant for Islamic detainees. The commissioned officer was arrested and initially charged with espionage, spying, aiding the enemy, mutiny, and disobeying an order. If convicted in a military court, Captain Yee would have faced the death penalty. The government suspected he was stealing classified names of detained terrorists and sketches of the military prison in Cuba. The federal government incarcerated Captain Yee on a bogus lead, keeping him in solitary confinement for 76 days without charging him of a crime (CAIR 17). Prior to being given the right to legal representation, the story leaked to the media while the officer was still in confinement, subsequently destroying the chaplains reputation and career. After serving a two and half month sentence in a military prison, the commissioned U.S. Army officers status was reduced to lowShow M oreRelatedMuslim American Faces Many Discrimination870 Words   |  4 PagesMuslim American faces many discrimination because of their faith, but many people are not aware of the characteristics that makes the Islamic faith. People make assumptions about what it means to be Muslim, and that often results in offending the Muslim’s culture. It’s crucial as future practitioners that we understand the culture of our client. For example, to help a client with an Islamic faith, we first have to understand their cultural background, and their religious background. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Alexander The Greats Influence On The World - 1431 Words

Alexander the Great Occasionally history shows that the world does not have many people that could be entered in the history. And Alexander the Great was one of these people. During his childhood Alexander had great teachers who taught him how to use and how to choose great politics, diplomacy and, how to win the war if that day would come. For many years Alexander the Great studied how to control everything and how to be ready to do anything that might be needed. At the age of sixteen he had to become a king of big kingdom, because his father, Philip, was in the war with Byzantium. Many people believed in Alexander because they knew that he was different from other children in his age, he did not care about bodily pleasures or anything like that, however, he had infinitely ambition which created him a good leader. Alexander strengthened his position in the power, he tamed people that were trying to make a revolution to take power in their hands. To get support from wealthy and other people in Alexander’s kingdom, he canceled taxes, and killed other people that might claim for the king’s position. Alexander was a great leader, and had plans to enter the war not only with some kingdoms, but to capture and control all kingdoms and all lands, to have the great power without a trace. Alexander the Great ruled his kingdom as a king that had tunneled his skills and had a good deal of experience in the past. He was thankful that his father, Philip, gave him the best teachersShow MoreRelatedAlexander the Great vs Napoleon Bonaparte, What I Got so Far Essay822 Words   |  4 PagesWhen we think of Alexander the Great, we think of an outstanding war hero. When we think of Napoleon Bonaparte, we think, again, of an outstanding war hero. If a random person were asked who either of these rulers was, their first response would be a fact about war. Alexander and Napoleon share similarities in their warfare, and how they used it to conquer and establish new l ands. Alexander the Great’s strong perseverance and incredible battle strategies led to increase his power over his empireRead MoreThe Western World Essay1344 Words   |  6 PagesA. J. Polyzoides, an honorary senior lecturer at Birmingham University, states: â€Å"The western world has adopted and developed their discoveries throughout the centuries.† (Polyzoides 1). As the Hellenistic society shifted away from the Classical ideals of perfectionism and idolization of the elites and gods in sculpture, artists began to be fixated on illustrating imperfection of a variety of individuals faced with the ruthless authenticity of their emotional struggles. 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The freedom to think and expand provided the basis to thrive locally and globally. It was a turning point in the fate of Europe and subsequently the rest of the world which was built on European principles. The Greeks were masters at art especiallyRead MoreAlexander the Greats Impact on the World Essays1339 Words   |  6 PagesAlexander the Great is without doubt one of the greatest military leaders of history. Not only did Alexander of Macedon conquer enormous areas of the known world but also he demonstrated dynamic leadership and masterful strategy on a large scale and tactics on the battlefield. During his life, he ruled the largest empire the world had ever seen, which stretched from ancient Greece to India. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Unfinished King Lear Free Essays

Good Morning Class. Today I will be talking about Shakespeare’s play â€Å"King Lear†, and how it successfully relates to the modern world, family relationships and the forcefulness of love, and most importantly the themes of madness and blindness to reinforce the concepts of appearance and reality. The play King Lear examines the concept of appearance and reality. We will write a custom essay sample on Unfinished King Lear or any similar topic only for you Order Now The issues of madness and blindness become powerful symbols reinforcing this central concept. The two universal themes, madness and blindness relate to our modern life because in our everyday life we go through this central dilemma and King Lear teaches us to look beyond superficial elements. For example; throughout the whole entire play, King Lear was blinded by the truth as result of his foolishness in which he rejects truth, due to his selfish vanity- He speaks to Cordelia: ‘Nothing will come of nothing’ and ‘Mend your speech a little. Lest it may mar your fortunes’, this suggests that if one does not speak, then one will not reciprocally receive anything. Instead he banishes Cordelia and accepts the lies from his two elder daughters and the Gloucester family that cause the Kingdom and King Lear to lose all its precious values and morals. Madness was one of the most dominant themes in King Lear because throughout the play King Lear goes mad because of the betrayal from his daughters, his loss and how he ruined his fate. For example, when King Lear was told by the fool that his pride lead to a ruined kingdom, Lear was furious and devastated, he became confused and lost all his precious values and morals, this soon left to his downfall. As shown in Act 1 Scene 5 the fool tells Lear that his making bad decisions and that listening to Regan will not be any better than the situation with Goneril. Lear is ignorant and still ignores the wise fools’ opinion and once again Lear is deceived and becomes mad. However, once Lear goes mad he loses his wisdom but reality becomes clearer to him, ironically, Lear is supposedly the wiser person in this play as he is a king with power and responsibility. Nevertheless, the fool which is believed to be childish and juvenile is the one who offers insight and comes up with the important advice. It was Lear’s stubbornness which didn’t let in the advice because he only wanted to hear what sounded pleasant. Shakespeare’s work heavily emphasises the importance of historical contexts in his pieces, in particular the play King Lear where delicacy and creativity played an important role in characterising King Lear and the extraordinary use of themes and language that allowed the play to be successful. Furthermore, this play has also clearly adapted to the modern world because it relates its audience to look into their own souls and consider what it’s like to be a human being, whether it is easy to see through lies or be fooled by them. This is also relevant to every human being in every time and culture because as humans we only accept and take in what we want to hear. Moreover, Shakespeare uses the concept of â€Å"Blindness and Madness† as a central theme and relates to the modern world because it gives us a personal insight into the concept of life, which is the essence of being a human being. King Lear becomes mad and struggles to maintain sanity as he is tormented by the pain endured during his life and the responsibilities held as King and as he questions his daughters’ betrayal of trust that suggests in human life, madness is a natural occurrence when one lacks meaning in life- ‘Ingratitude thou marble-hearted fiend, More hideous, when thou show’st thee in a child than the sea-monster†. This is one of the many examples where Lear is expressing his fury towards himself and his foolishness for believing the lies; he blames himself for ruining his given power of being a king. Another example where Lear is showing the suffering of how vulnerable and his outrage of having an unfaithful daughter is when he quotes: â€Å"How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is, to have a thankless child†. Appearance and Reality was a crucial element in Shakespeare’s play as it is constantly used throughout the whole play, whether it was family or friends. Appearance and Reality is evident in Act 1 Scene 1 when Cordelia doesn’t speak false words because she doesn’t find it in her heart to tell lies just to overrun a kingdom, however, from King Lear’s perspective she seems rude, unfaithful and untrue. Once King Lear banishes Cordelia, the kingdom starts to emotionally fall apart and King Lear loses all his values and morals. For instance, King Lear believes the lies that Goneril and Regan tell because he is vain and enjoys sycophancy, but as Cordelia refuses to speak of lies and tell the truth Lear gets irritated and banishes her from the castle as quoted ‘I am unhappy that I am, I cannot hear my heave my heart into my mouth; I love your majesty according to my bond, no more nor less’ emphasising the contemplation she has to hereby the words of King Lear as his daughter. Another example of appearance and reality was the love triangle between Edmond, Goneril and Regan. The two evil sisters were both ttracted to Edmund because of the mutual conflict between their two families; Edmund’s wickedness made both sister’s betray each other and in the end all that they were fighting over was worth nothing because the outcome for both sister’s was death. In Shakespeare’s play King Lear, forcefulness of love was a significant and empowering theme as the three daughters are fo rced to recite their love for Lear. However, King Lear is looking for a more over exaggerated and fictitious description of how loyal and faithful Cordelia can be. Cordelia refrains herself from doing so because she isn’t selfish and is honest. In the opening scene Act 1 Scene 1, in the lines â€Å"Then poor Cordelia, And yet not so, since I am sure my love’s more ponderous than my tongue† Family relationships also played a critical role because it showed betrayal, wickedness and Lear’s foolishness in rejecting Cordelia’s true love. However, Cordelia still remained loyal towards Lear despite all his cruelty towards her In Conclusion, King Lear has successfully related itself to the modern world by incorporating the concept of appearance and reality, family relationships, forcefulness of love and blindness and madness. How to cite Unfinished King Lear, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Cartoons Cereal a Music Analysis free essay sample

Music Analysis Cartoons Cereal Now I was raised In a sandbox next to you and her You was holding the handgun, she was giving birth To a baby boy to be just like you, I wonder what thats worth I-I wonder if you ever knew you were a role model to me first . .. You told me, Dont be like me, Just finish watching cartoons Which is funny because all I see is Wile E. Coyotes in the room (ironic)? The bridge is the foundation of the entire song.It has a way of notifying the listener of the adventure they are about to embark on and that this Eng Is far from the conventional hip-hop and rap music that Is often blasted on the local radio airwaves. The listener Is tolerated back to Snickers childhood to the playground, particularly in the sandbox. The sandbox is a representation of creative freedom; an individual can create anything he or she desires. Although it can provide freedom, the sandbox is also the dirtiest place on the playground; it can come with all types of germs and other undesirable objects. Kindlier Lamar mentions his father Eliding the handgun, [while] she was giving birth Where she is being referred o as his mother, this line Is an Idiom for taking life and giving life. Some teens are forced Into parenthood and cannot handle the responsibilities. Fathers leave and mothers neglect, nevertheless a child will find security and guidance wherever it seems to appear. In the next couple of lines, Kindlier states: I-I wonder if you ever knew you were a role model to me at first, most young black men do not have a positive male figure in their lives, so they are forced to look for the next thing.Whether it Is their mother or the local dope boy, It will be found and It cannot be said whether It Is positive or negative. As an adult, Kindlier is faced with the reality that not everyone may have his personal wellbeing In favor and all he sees .. . Is Wile E. Coyotes in the room He had to be the Roadrunner; be smart and cunning when faced with difficult situations, whereas Wile E. Coyote was sneaky and a conniving individual. All his parents wanted was for him to keep his innocence and remain a child for as long as possible, and this is showed when its implied that his father told him, Dont be like me, Just finish watching cartoons This sit make a Amiga Just Anna write, reminisce when I had a morning appetite Apple Jacks, had nothing that I hit the TV Guide, Insomniacs the only thing that gave me peace of mind Im a maniac when aiming at the enemy. .. Tell a story thatll never glory 25 Anti nobody going tie your shoe, nobody grew up by (by) your rule, Nobody horn your gun, how come, your tongue say kill then kill my mood, . Till I wreck into a pole, like a right to vote I am from the bottom of the Jungle living in the bottom of the food chain, . ..In the era where we want earn soon thats an error, you can smell it In the alarm everybody really mode thats why Im background you knapsacks all hall can suck my dull, all them days at the county buildings, Im bout to make my momma rich cartoons and (cereal I anti felt this (good since) Scrooge Muck (here we go) Elementary hood sit Kindlier Lamar started off as a poet and since he was a young child, it was always his way to express himself. When he was a child, television, particularly cartoons, was his way of escaping reality, note that he said the Insomniacs, the only thing that gave mind. The black male is left to fend for himself a lot in recent society, especially in ingle parent households. Kindlier expresses his thought that most will not live to . Tell a story thatll never glory 25 shows that the life expectancy of a black male is well before 25. If one is to live past 25, they are simply lucky. When Kindlier says anti nobody going tie your shoe nobody go by (by) your rule He means that he had to retain a sense of independence even though he was so young. He learned that someone is not always going to be there. Furthermore, that he has no restrictions growing up because he was self-sufficient.With his father in Jail and his mother instantly working to support him, it was no wonder why cartoons were his scapegoat from reality. When an individual comes from a low income background, and individual is at the bottom and that is exactly what Kindlier means when he says, I am from the bottom of the Jungle living in the bottom of the food chain There is nowhere else for him to go but up in the world, and because he is at the bottom of the food chain, he may be considered a weak aspect in society as well as an easy target for those who have no remorse for those individuals who are trying to succeed in this world.Kindlier believes that we live in the era where we want earn soon And the youth no longer want to honestly work for their rewards, they would rather have it instantly and soon it becomes a problem and the youth fail to realize that everybody really doomed. Many doubted the fact that Kindlier Lamar was a talented writer and that music would take him far, which is why he chose to sneak up on his competition. Once Kindlier realized that his rapping can take him somewhere in the world, he believed that all those countless hours in the county alluding will pay off and now he can provide for his mother. Salt all in my wounds hear my tears all in my tunes let my life loose in this booth Just for you, mafias hope hall amused! I did wrong, karma came crackers gave me ball and chain. Friends, enemies all the same state, fed both can hang. Nobody cant mute me, but I never said nobody cant shoot me, Just another stats to the white folks.. . Hunt the money, dont hunt the ho if you do what you always done, then you get what you always got you dumb buffoons Hand on my heart, face to the hood I pledge every word you ever eared was honest, yea this me, no mimic, no cameras, no lights, Just pain mama how much trauma can I sustain Road to riches got lots of lanes Just another player with lots of game, never had sit got lots to gain Gunplay first lines of his verse is his way of displaying a sense of openness and raw unguarded emotion to the listener. Some may take him as a Joke and find his openness as a Joke. Gunplay realizes that his actions were not reflections of who he is as an individual and has paid his debt to society. His referral to Caucasians as crackers shows disdain for the race, because to hem, black people are nothing but Just another stats to the white folks. .. Many black males has heard from either a father, uncle, older cousin, and maybe a mother, that money was the motivation, so they were to hunt the money, dont hunt the ho. Not only for the sake of having money, but to prevent teen pregnancy, or Just unplanned pregnancies period, which seemed to be a top issue in the hood. Gunplay wants people to understand that as a unit, individuals have to change their way of thinking and that if you do what you always done, then you get what you always got. It isnt make sense to expect a different outcome, if an individual performs the same loyalty in his verse.With his hand on his heart, face to the hood [he] pledge[s] every word you ever heard honest. Hes been truthful to himself and others about what hes been through and has always remained the same through his struggle. It has always been Just him, no mimic, no cameras, no lights, Just pain. Hes aware that the road to riches comes with lots of lanes, but it is all about choosing the correct path, and not falling for fast cash and the sly lines used to trap the youth into believing hat the fastest route is the best choice.Gunplay simply believes that he is Just another player with lots of game, never had sit, got lots to gain. Meaning that he is another rapper with raw talent and so much to say, and he never had anything so he has everything to gain. Cartoons Cereal is the unconventional tale of what it is like to grow up black in America. I can personally relate to each of the artists in the aspect of having to retain mental stability and stay on top of my business at the same time. This song gives the listener a vivid auditory autobiography from both Kindlier and Gunplay, all he while creating a contemporary genre in rap music.The art of storytelling has been long lost in rap music and Kindlier Lamar and Gunplay are two of the few artists who are slowly reviving it. This song is aimed towards black youth to listen to their stories and to stray away from the destructive pathways of the streets. The idea formulated earlier referring to Kindlier Lamar as the Roadrunner was meant to show that his music has surpassed generations ahead of there the rap music industry is right now and hes simply waiting for everyone else to catch up.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Impact of Industrial Pollution on Human Health Essay Example

Impact of Industrial Pollution on Human Health Paper Moreover high quality machinery should be used and should be roper installed. The awareness campaign should also be arranged to aware the industrialist about the harmfulness they are creating for the people and also the people should be aware of the danger they are living with. Introduction Industrialization one hand provide us ease but the black side of these industries is that they are too much harmful for our health due the wastage they are producing and also the dangerous gases the are discharging in the air everyday. These gases not only affect our health but it is also destroying the ozone layer. The destroying of this ozone layer is resulting in the rise of enrapture. Evidence suggested that over 14 common diseases involving perhaps 90000 deaths a year could be conservatively linked to the results of industrial pollution in KICK. In France 40% of hospital admissions linked to industrial pollution. (Fresh, 2005). The industrial sector of Islamabad is located in 1-9 and I-I O sector on the boarder of Islamabad and Rawlins which was established in 1963. The Industrial state comprises of more then 200 factories spreader over 625 acres of land. These industries are managed by the CAD (Capital Development Authority). CAD is providing the water supply to the industries but numbers of industries have installed their own tube wells due to inadequate supply of water from CAD. The natural drains eventually lead to a single drain in the area known as Annual Ala. The entire electricity equipment is provided by WPAD. In the master plane of industrial state of Islamabad the industries are isolated from the residential areas through a buffer zone but now the residential area is developed very closed to the industrial areas because of the removal of buffer zone by CAD. Industrial state has been categorized into eight segments I. E. Tell melting furnaces, rolling mills, flour mills, oil and ghee, marble cutting and polishing, pharmaceuticals gallivanting metal working and engineering. The detail of different industrial units operating in industrial area of Islamabad is indicated below. Types and number of factories I Types of Industries II steel melting furnaces, I Approximate number 8 12. Relining mills 13. Flour mills, 14. Oil and ghee 5. Marble cutting and polishing units 16. Pharmaceuticals 7. gallivanting 18. Metal working and engineering units Total 125 15 110 12 23 Survey report-Environmental report of industrial estate Islamabad We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Industrial Pollution on Human Health specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Industrial Pollution on Human Health specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Industrial Pollution on Human Health specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Government of Pakistan (2006) environmental survey in the industrial area of 1-9 and 1-10) The steel melting industries are contributing heavily to air pollution in the industrial state of 1-9 and 1-10. The furnaces produces metal dusts, slam and gaseous emissions. Smoke is produced during charging of the furnace. Air emission from the industry includes nitrogen dioxide, secular dioxide and carbon monoxide and thick black smoke. Particularly pollution is generated due to poor quality of scrap bundled Scrap which is being used by Meltzer consists mainly of spent containers of edible oil, paints lubricants and even Auber. There are 11 re-rolling mills and using locally manufactures billets, which are reheated in gas or oil fired open gas furnace. The environment related issue is the occasional discharge of black smoke. Large quantities of steam are used as a main heating medium in ghee manufacturing processes. Steam is also used for creating the vacuum required in ghee manufacturing. During this time major air emissions are nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. The extremely high level of consumption of fresh water by these industries has resulted in generation of large volume of waste water. Major waste water pollutants from this industry include oil and grease, soaps and suspended solids. There are 31 marble cutting and polishing units in the industrial area of Islamabad The excess water displaced by the gathering sludge overflows without properly settling and is discharged into the effluent channels of the industrial estate. This water carries large amounts of marble powder, which gradually settles at the bottom of the drain channels. The marble sludge in the settling tanks is removed periodically and dumped in the vicinity of the factory. Eventually; the sludge dries in the sun and its particle become airborne. This causes air pollution problems for the inhabitants of the surrounding area. In some marble units, settling pits are not cleaned as scheduled, clogging effluent drain channels in the vicinity of the marble unit. Disposal of recovered sludge is the major environmental problem facing the marble manufacturing units. Another solid wastes generated by the marble units is the cutting waste. There are about ten pharmaceutical industries in III. Sulfuric acid is being used extensively to remove dust and scale. Gallivanting process releases acidic fumes and generate waste waters and solid wastes. Objectives 1 . To study the socio-economic conditions of the respondent. 2. To study the factors affecting health of people in the industrial area of Islamabad. 3. To explore the awareness among people in industrial area regarding environmental pollution on health problem statement Effects of the air pollution coming out of industries affecting the health of people living in the sectors of Islamabad (1-9 and I-ID). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Methodology is actually is a system of principles which guide the scientific investigation. The purpose of methodology is to describe the research deign. It works as the guideline for the researcher. In the present research the data will be analyzed with the help of statistical package for Social sciences. A prepared set of questions will be designed to generate data necessarily for accomplishing the objectives of the research project. In order to conduct the present research, quantitative research method was used to get the proposed information from the respondents. A sample of 260 respondents had been drawn through simple random sampling techniques, 104 respondents had been selected from 1-9 sector and 156 respondents had been selected from I-I Sectors. In the present study the data was collected tit the help of interview schedule. An interview schedule is a set of questions, which are asked to the respondents in face to face interaction. The data was systematically tabulated and statistically analyzed to bring into equivalent forms. Different statistical tools and techniques were used for the analysis and interpretation of results. The data was analyzed by SPAS.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on The Street Of Crocodiles

, ideas, and images to impart to the reader the subjective aspects present in his own personal reality. In â€Å"Cockroaches†, Schulz’s description of a sheaf of peacock’s feathers as a â€Å"dangerous, frivolous element† (112) sets the paragraph up for its expressionist theme. Schulz is creating his own image of the feathers rather than attempting to describe them realistically. Schulz personifies the feathers in order to â€Å"achieve the highest expression intensity, both from the aesthetic point of view and according to idea and human critics† (Web Museum): â€Å"The eyes of those feathers never stopped staring; they made holes in the walls, winking, fluttering their eyelashes, smiling to one another, giggling and full of mirth† (112). This depiction exemplifies Schulz’s intention to â€Å"depict not objective reality but the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist† (Web Museum). Schulz’s feathers, which â€Å"peeped through the keyholes† and spoke â€Å"to each other in a deaf-and-dumb language full of secret meaning† (113) illustrate his expressionist goal of substituting for the real object â€Å"his own image of this object, which he feels is an accurate representation of its real meanin... Free Essays on The Street Of Crocodiles Free Essays on The Street Of Crocodiles In The Street of Crocodiles, Bruno Schulz uses the literary technique of Expressionism to produce in his readers a variety of images and emotions which would not be generated through realistic descriptions alone. Using definitions of Expressionism obtained from Web Museum ( and from, it is easy to see the use of this technique in Schulz’s writing. The two paragraphs best illustrating the meaning of Expressionism in The Street of Crocodiles are Schulz’s description of a vase of peacock’s feathers in the story â€Å"Cockroaches† (112) and his description of dusk from â€Å"The Night of the Great Season† (129). In these paragraphs, Schulz uses expressionistic words, ideas, and images to impart to the reader the subjective aspects present in his own personal reality. In â€Å"Cockroaches†, Schulz’s description of a sheaf of peacock’s feathers as a â€Å"dangerous, frivolous element† (112) sets the paragraph up for its expressionist theme. Schulz is creating his own image of the feathers rather than attempting to describe them realistically. Schulz personifies the feathers in order to â€Å"achieve the highest expression intensity, both from the aesthetic point of view and according to idea and human critics† (Web Museum): â€Å"The eyes of those feathers never stopped staring; they made holes in the walls, winking, fluttering their eyelashes, smiling to one another, giggling and full of mirth† (112). This depiction exemplifies Schulz’s intention to â€Å"depict not objective reality but the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist† (Web Museum). Schulz’s feathers, which â€Å"peeped through the keyholes† and spoke â€Å"to each other in a deaf-and-dumb language full of secret meaning† (113) illustrate his expressionist goal of substituting for the real object â€Å"his own image of this object, which he feels is an accurate representation of its real meanin...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How does Shakespeare Present the outsider in 'Othello; the moor of Essay

How does Shakespeare Present the outsider in 'Othello; the moor of Venice' - Essay Example Often one faces clash of values with serious implications. The conflict between Shylock and Antonio, in Shakespeares Merchant of Venice is similar. The verbal duels between them indicate how their personalities are contradictory. For example, Shylock thinks that a man of Antonios upbringing can neither lend nor borrow for advantage, whereas for Shylock it is a way of life. This is the confirmation of difference between a Christian and a Jew. The approach to money, of the Christians and Jews in the 16th century Venice, was entirely different. To Christians, earning interest by lending, was a sin. So the presence of the Jews(outsiders) was considered necessary to save Christians from the sin of lending to earn interest. The Jews in Venice at that time were held in contempt but their economic utility was appreciated. Jews were necessary like bakers, for the overall welfare of the community. The religious beliefs of Shylock and Antonio show up strongly in their secular activities. Shakespeare cleverly understands and weaves the dialogues indicating the differences between the Jewish and Christian perspectives on the Bible. In Judaism great emphasis is laid on free will, which means human endeavor, incentive and motivations are prominent part of the action-oriented life. Christians see divine intervention in the day to day happenings and have a greater tendency to rely upon the divine forces. The diversity between Antonio and Shylock is on account of the scriptures they revere. Having been considered as an outsider, Shylock suffered Christian oppression. Notwithstanding this fact, he is steadfast in his fealty to Judaism. In this spirit, Yaffe believes that Shakespeare deliberately set out to â€Å"correct what he sees as the theologically unwarranted and politically deleterious abuse of Jews in the name of Christian teaching.† (Yaffe, 1997, p. 47) Shylock merely retaliates the abusive behavior of Christians against him. The social

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

THE QUEST FOR FREEDOM Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

THE QUEST FOR FREEDOM - Thesis Example hand, Douglass’s narrative presents a vivid account of one of the darkest periods in American history, marked with â€Å"lawful† violence and suppression, outrageous cruelty to, and disregard for the human nature of millions of people, whose only fault was the color of their skin. On the other hand, the narrative depicts the bold quest for freedom of a man, born as a chattel, who passed through the whole spectrum of woes and humiliation one would imagine to become an â€Å"American icon† and â€Å"Representative American man† (Stauffer 201). Although Douglass’s quest for freedom was thorny and everlasting, i.e. having continued far beyond the point of achievement of physical freedom, one particular episode in it denotes the actual transformation of the slave into a free man – when a single act of resistance annihilated years of humiliation and century-long collective self-perception of inferiority. Frederick Douglass was born and grew up in slavery; being separated from his mother too early in his life – even before he knew her as his mother – he was unaware about who his father was (Douglass 9). That, in fact, was nothing unwonted in early-nineteenth-century America, especially in the South, where â€Å"the larger part of the slaves know as little of their ages as horses know of theirs†, and more often than not â€Å"before the child has reached its twelfth month, its mother is taken from it and hired out on some farm a considerable distance off† (Douglass 10). It had been a common practice by that time slaveholders to have children from slave-women, which engendered the paradox of being both masters and fathers of those children; which probably was the case of Douglass’s coming into the world – â€Å"the whisper that my master was my father may or may not be true† (Douglass 11). Another common occurrence in the South, also established by the law, was that those â€Å"fathers† had the right to and did torture, as well as sell their children to other

Monday, November 18, 2019

The death of rock and roll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The death of rock and roll - Essay Example There emerged a merger of secular and gospel themes coupled with a greater emphasis on vocalists. Soul music became a major commercial force and soon more attention was directed to it. Music is business beyond just passion. One needed to be where business is, this made more musicians levitate towards Soul. As more business was realized in the Soul genre more attention was given to it with little on rock and this commercial drive was critical in the decline of rock and roll.In my own experience, a similar commercial appropriation of a youth movement has happened in the recent past. This was in the genre of hip-hop music where there was an emergence of a subgenre, Crunk music also referred to as Krunk or pranksters. This genre originated from Memphis in the early 1990s and was to gain popularity in early 2000. It is an up-tempo and more club-oriented subgenre of hip-hop that is characterized by shouting vocals and heavy baseline. This subgenre immensely gained a commercial appropriatio n which would then attract more artists in the sector. More TV commercials, Radio adverts, and Film promos preferred the use of crunk in early 2000. This promoted this subgenre of Hip-hop attracting, even more, artists in the industry due to the heavy commerce it attracted. Clubs played crunch, public service vehicles and radio stations were all about crunk suggesting more business in this genre. For this period the genre of hip-hop faced a decline. Crunk was very popular in between 2001 and 2004.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Blueprint For Action

Blueprint For Action Critical Book Analysis of Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating Barnett, Thomas P.M. Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating. New York, NY: G.P. Putnams Sons, 2005. Thomas P.M. Barnett Weblog. â€Å"Biography.† Since the end of the Cold War, the United States (US) has struggled to define its role as the remaining superpower. Overnight containment and deterrence, the defining strategy of the second half of the 20th century, became questionable and a new grand strategy never emerged to take its place. Without a clear vision, US security policy since the collapse of the Soviet Union has generally relied on maintaining a balance of power in the international system. Then on 11 September 2001 (9/11), the US was attacked by terrorists and suffered its first domestic strategic military shock since the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor in 1941. In reaction, the US has undergone a historic reorganization of government and is waging an unprecedented global war on terrorism. Yet despite the thousands who have died and trillions of dollars spent since 9/11, the US has not established a coherent, sustainable, and realistic grand strategy that accounts for current circumstances and the future world contex t. In an attempt to fill this grand strategy vacuum and contextualize the current world environment Thomas Barnett has written a series of books that provide a new paradigm for understanding our current and future world circumstance. In the first book, The Pentagons New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century, Barnett frames the global dynamics in terms of rule sets that govern globalization and provides a vision for achieving global security. In the second book, Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating, Barnett delivers the specifics of actualizing this vision and is the subject of this essay. Specifically, this paper critically analyzes Blueprint for Action because it is inspirational in scope, relevant to the future of US national security strategy, and has implications that warrant serious military consideration. Thomas Barnett is a strategic planner who has worked in national security affairs since the end of the Cold War. Earning a PhD in Political Science at Harvard, Barnett served as professor at the Naval War College, senior advisor in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and has been involved with several strategic related Department of Defense activities. Over the last decade, Barnett has authored two books, written several articles, and has been widely read by civilian and military audiences. Building off the vision articulated in Pentagons New Map, the thesis of Blueprint for Action is that in order to close the gap between the Core states (healthy and functioning) and the Gap states (unhealthy and disfunctioning) the US must lead a Core state effort to establish the rule sets and institutions that will connect Gap states with the benefits of globalization. This in turn will reduce threats to Core states, promote universal inclusiveness, and foster global peace. Barnett passionately argues, â€Å"we need to make sure our security rule sets match our growing network connectivity, and that our political rule sets keep pace with our economic transactions.† To accomplish this, the book postulates two fundamental actions to make this a reality. First, a System Administrator Force (SysAdmin) comprised of Core state capability must be created to ensure that combat intervention into Gap states have the required follow on forces to win the hearts and minds by rebuilding infrastructure, enabling government, etc. Barnett points out that the US militarys warfighting capacity (Leviathan) and the supporting US economy is not optimized for securing the security environment lying between war and peace. Weapons procurement and service centric force generation designed to support the Cold War high-end strategies of a bipolar world no longer apply to the multipolar globalized environment where low-end fourth generation warfare (4GW) requirements prevail. Given this, the US must â€Å"transform† its military to address existing and forecast security needs and enlist other Core state participation. To this end Barnett posits that dividing the military into a Leviathan force that prosecutes high-end war characterized primarily by US airpower (Air Force and Navy) and a SysAdmin force (Army and Marines) characterized by low-end 4GW proficient capability is required to address the war-peace gap. Moreover, the multinational SysAdmin force would be comprised primarily of other Core states and the significant US contribution would be its global logistics capability and 20% of the overall force structure. This approach would then leverage existing Core state military competencies and create a counterbalance to a US dominated Leviathan force. Even if the White House and all four services bought into this argument, the problem with this construct is that it makes the assumption that Core states will entrust the US with the preponderance of a Leviathan force. Essentially this proposal suggests that non-US Core states command the majority of the soft power and the US command the hard power. Given this, it is doubtful that rising powers such as China will find this arrangement appealing. Similarly, Russia with their resurgence of nationalism along with most European nations that comprise the majority of the Core states will also be suspicious of what would appear to be the US trying to corner the market on high-end warfare. Additionally, Core nations in general will be reluctant to support US combat dominance given its preemptive track record over the last five years. Barnetts blueprint suggests that the employment of force would not happen without the concurrence of â€Å"fellow great powers† because America would be deterred by the realization without the [multinational] SysAdmin little would change in a targeted Gap state. Unfortunately, this logic does not deter the US from pursuing its own vital interests in spite of other Core state objections. What this construct proposes is that the US will monopolize what matters most hard power and global reach. Therefore, the strategy is idealistic in that it does not provide a compelling case for US or its allies. Knowing that a constrained fiscal environment will challenge the preeminence of US power over the next 50 years, rising powers like China will be just as inclined to wait out an eventual decline of American strength. What Barnett fails to provide is a more convincing rationale to support his idea. To do this he needs to address how the US will give up its unilateral preemption policy and assuage Core state fears of US monopolizing hard power. For example, high-end weapon system development could be intentionally spread over multiple Core st ates. By making the US dependent on various foreign sources for arms manufacturing it would leverage the benefits of globalization, increase the interconnectivity of the Core, and create distributed weapon system dependency to keep the US in check militarily. Clearly, many in the US (i.e. military and defense contractors) would object to this, but for a global grand strategy of this nature to succeed checks and balances will need to be structurally imbedded into the institutional framework to foster trust and discourage unilateral tendencies. From a theater strategic joint warfighting perspective, Barnett is proposing a major transformation of US military force structure and strategy that is dependent on other Core state participants as much as they would be dependent on the US. To actualize this blueprint the Army would be optimized for 4GW and the Marine Corps should remain a mini-Leviathan within the SysAdmin force. Additionally, Civil Affairs units embedded in the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) would be integrated into the Army. The idea is to reconfigure US military forces into distinct Leviathan and SysAdmin force structures. This transformation also implies developing the ability to synchronize with the SysAdmin forces of other Core states and provide the logistical framework for rapid global deployment and sustainment. Given the existing issues involved with US force development the scale and scope of developing synchronized Core wide resourcing, doctrine, training, and equipping is questionable. The second postulate that Barnett advances is the requirement to establish global rule sets to guide Core state actions for dealing with politically bankrupt states inside the Gap and individual terrorists. The goal of these rule sets is to create transparency, reduce uncertainty, generate non-zero-sum outcomes, and foster a sense that everyone needs to play by the Cores emerging rules. The problem with the Gap rule set is that initiation of Core action is dependent on the United Nations (UN) Security Council to achieve consensus. Additionally, the rule set does not address how to reconstitute targeted Gap states politically in their transition to peace. Culture, religion, and other factors will clearly make any national rehabilitation unique, and Barnett fails to specify a fundamental political organizing philosophy. Clear political organizing principles need to be articulated to ensure the transparency. Finally, because the blueprint suggests that SysAdmin military force is structu rally divided among Core states the rule set would need to address how Core states will collectively react to an attack. Without a doubt, Blueprint for Action is a â€Å"must read† because it offers a plausible context for understanding the global security environment and a framework for addressing the threats we face today. More importantly, Barnetts paradigm forces readers to leap beyond national constraints and allows for the conceptualization of optimizing civil and military joint capability mulitnationally. Finally, Barnett offers an optimistic â€Å"future worth creating† and plants the seed for an international discussion on proactively securing the future for our planet.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Effect of Concentration on Osmosis Essay -- GCSE Biology Osmosis Cours

Effect of Concentration on Osmosis Aim To find out how the concentration of sucrose solution affects the mass of the potato chip left in the solution for one day. Prediction I predict that when the sucrose concentration is low the potato chip will gain mass. This is because there will be a higher sucrose concentration in the potato chip so water will go into the potato from the solution. I predict that when there is a high concentration of sucrose the potato will lose mass. This is because there is a higher concentration of sucrose solution in the solution compared to that in the potato chip so water from the potato will go into the solution to even it out. Osmosis is "the movement of a solvent through a selectively permeable membrane (as of a living cell) into a solution of higher solute concentration that tends to equalize the concentrations of solute on the two sides of the membrane" Osmosis is the movement of water from high water concentration to lower water concentration through a selectively permeable membrane. Selectively permeable membranesare very thin layers of material (cell membranes are selectively-permeable), which allow some molecules to pass through them but prevent other molecules from passing through. Cell membranes will allow small molecules like Oxygen, water, Carbon Dioxide, Ammonia, Glucose, amino-acids, etc. to pass through. Cell membranes will not allow larger molecules like Sucrose, Starch, protein, etc. to pass through. In my experiment I will have a test tube with a potato chip in. The outside wall of the potato chip is selectively permeable so it lets water pass through it but not bigger molecules such as sucrose. In the test tubes I will put different concentrations of sucrose solution. When the concentration of the solution is lower than that in the potato, water will pass through the selectively permeable wall into the potato. Potato cells Sucrose solution The mass of the potato chip increases Sucrose molecule Water molecule When the sucrose solution is stronger outside if the potato chip water will move out from the potato chip into the solution. When the concentration is the same on both sides of the selectively permeable wall nothing passes through it and the mass will stay the same. Plan Apparatus Five test tubes Labels Ruler Scales Tissue... ...hips in each test tube. This would make it more accurate as when I had two in a test tube if one of them was a long way out it made the graph not follow the line well when I plotted the averages. There was one anomalous result at 0.5 mol. I think this was because we patted them dry when we got them out of the test tubes as we did not want to weigh there water on the outside of the potato but I think that we may not have dried them all equally so this anomalous result may have been due to it having water left on the outside of it. Also the potato itself was not from the same part of the potato and was not exactly the same size, although I did try to cut them to 36mm each. I could also try the same experiment but with different volumes of cell tissues and see if the percentage change differed with a bigger and smaller surface area. I could now investigate the smaller range near to 0.25 to see the sucrose concentration equivalent to the potato. Finally, I could extend the experiment to a more exact level by looking at the potato cylinders under a microscope, then I would be able to see the cells in greater detail and draw some more observational results.