Sunday, December 29, 2019

Discrimination of Muslims - 1821 Words

Introduction Discrimination is defined as the unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice. One of the most infamous topics on discrimination in our world today is that of ethnicity. Due to recent tragic events, such as the September 11 attacks, most Americans have unfairly stereotyped Muslims and the religion of Islam. People fear what they do not understand; therefore, it is important to educate citizens about the views and beliefs of Muslims. Islam is a religious culture that is torn and divided, at one end radical Islamic extremists struggle to fight what they consider a holy war by corrupting Muslim followers into believing that westerner globalization will stand in the way of the purity of Islam. These views†¦show more content†¦Infringement on an Officers Civil Rights Human Rights Watch, a non-profit organization, released a report in August of 2002 documenting confinement of 1,200 detainees in the United States (CAIR 9). Individual detainees reported problems with obtaining prompt access to legal counsel, poor conditions of confinement, and verbal and physical mistreatment. Such is the case for Captain James Yee. Captain Yee was a chaplain stationed at an Army base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The United States Army assigned the chaplain to be a spiritual consultant for Islamic detainees. The commissioned officer was arrested and initially charged with espionage, spying, aiding the enemy, mutiny, and disobeying an order. If convicted in a military court, Captain Yee would have faced the death penalty. The government suspected he was stealing classified names of detained terrorists and sketches of the military prison in Cuba. The federal government incarcerated Captain Yee on a bogus lead, keeping him in solitary confinement for 76 days without charging him of a crime (CAIR 17). Prior to being given the right to legal representation, the story leaked to the media while the officer was still in confinement, subsequently destroying the chaplains reputation and career. After serving a two and half month sentence in a military prison, the commissioned U.S. Army officers status was reduced to lowShow M oreRelatedMuslim American Faces Many Discrimination870 Words   |  4 PagesMuslim American faces many discrimination because of their faith, but many people are not aware of the characteristics that makes the Islamic faith. People make assumptions about what it means to be Muslim, and that often results in offending the Muslim’s culture. It’s crucial as future practitioners that we understand the culture of our client. For example, to help a client with an Islamic faith, we first have to understand their cultural background, and their religious background. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Alexander The Greats Influence On The World - 1431 Words

Alexander the Great Occasionally history shows that the world does not have many people that could be entered in the history. And Alexander the Great was one of these people. During his childhood Alexander had great teachers who taught him how to use and how to choose great politics, diplomacy and, how to win the war if that day would come. For many years Alexander the Great studied how to control everything and how to be ready to do anything that might be needed. At the age of sixteen he had to become a king of big kingdom, because his father, Philip, was in the war with Byzantium. Many people believed in Alexander because they knew that he was different from other children in his age, he did not care about bodily pleasures or anything like that, however, he had infinitely ambition which created him a good leader. Alexander strengthened his position in the power, he tamed people that were trying to make a revolution to take power in their hands. To get support from wealthy and other people in Alexander’s kingdom, he canceled taxes, and killed other people that might claim for the king’s position. Alexander was a great leader, and had plans to enter the war not only with some kingdoms, but to capture and control all kingdoms and all lands, to have the great power without a trace. Alexander the Great ruled his kingdom as a king that had tunneled his skills and had a good deal of experience in the past. He was thankful that his father, Philip, gave him the best teachersShow MoreRelatedAlexander the Great vs Napoleon Bonaparte, What I Got so Far Essay822 Words   |  4 PagesWhen we think of Alexander the Great, we think of an outstanding war hero. When we think of Napoleon Bonaparte, we think, again, of an outstanding war hero. If a random person were asked who either of these rulers was, their first response would be a fact about war. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Unfinished King Lear Free Essays

Good Morning Class. Today I will be talking about Shakespeare’s play â€Å"King Lear†, and how it successfully relates to the modern world, family relationships and the forcefulness of love, and most importantly the themes of madness and blindness to reinforce the concepts of appearance and reality. The play King Lear examines the concept of appearance and reality. We will write a custom essay sample on Unfinished King Lear or any similar topic only for you Order Now The issues of madness and blindness become powerful symbols reinforcing this central concept. The two universal themes, madness and blindness relate to our modern life because in our everyday life we go through this central dilemma and King Lear teaches us to look beyond superficial elements. For example; throughout the whole entire play, King Lear was blinded by the truth as result of his foolishness in which he rejects truth, due to his selfish vanity- He speaks to Cordelia: ‘Nothing will come of nothing’ and ‘Mend your speech a little. Lest it may mar your fortunes’, this suggests that if one does not speak, then one will not reciprocally receive anything. Instead he banishes Cordelia and accepts the lies from his two elder daughters and the Gloucester family that cause the Kingdom and King Lear to lose all its precious values and morals. Madness was one of the most dominant themes in King Lear because throughout the play King Lear goes mad because of the betrayal from his daughters, his loss and how he ruined his fate. For example, when King Lear was told by the fool that his pride lead to a ruined kingdom, Lear was furious and devastated, he became confused and lost all his precious values and morals, this soon left to his downfall. As shown in Act 1 Scene 5 the fool tells Lear that his making bad decisions and that listening to Regan will not be any better than the situation with Goneril. Lear is ignorant and still ignores the wise fools’ opinion and once again Lear is deceived and becomes mad. However, once Lear goes mad he loses his wisdom but reality becomes clearer to him, ironically, Lear is supposedly the wiser person in this play as he is a king with power and responsibility. Nevertheless, the fool which is believed to be childish and juvenile is the one who offers insight and comes up with the important advice. It was Lear’s stubbornness which didn’t let in the advice because he only wanted to hear what sounded pleasant. Shakespeare’s work heavily emphasises the importance of historical contexts in his pieces, in particular the play King Lear where delicacy and creativity played an important role in characterising King Lear and the extraordinary use of themes and language that allowed the play to be successful. Furthermore, this play has also clearly adapted to the modern world because it relates its audience to look into their own souls and consider what it’s like to be a human being, whether it is easy to see through lies or be fooled by them. This is also relevant to every human being in every time and culture because as humans we only accept and take in what we want to hear. Moreover, Shakespeare uses the concept of â€Å"Blindness and Madness† as a central theme and relates to the modern world because it gives us a personal insight into the concept of life, which is the essence of being a human being. King Lear becomes mad and struggles to maintain sanity as he is tormented by the pain endured during his life and the responsibilities held as King and as he questions his daughters’ betrayal of trust that suggests in human life, madness is a natural occurrence when one lacks meaning in life- ‘Ingratitude thou marble-hearted fiend, More hideous, when thou show’st thee in a child than the sea-monster†. This is one of the many examples where Lear is expressing his fury towards himself and his foolishness for believing the lies; he blames himself for ruining his given power of being a king. Another example where Lear is showing the suffering of how vulnerable and his outrage of having an unfaithful daughter is when he quotes: â€Å"How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is, to have a thankless child†. Appearance and Reality was a crucial element in Shakespeare’s play as it is constantly used throughout the whole play, whether it was family or friends. Appearance and Reality is evident in Act 1 Scene 1 when Cordelia doesn’t speak false words because she doesn’t find it in her heart to tell lies just to overrun a kingdom, however, from King Lear’s perspective she seems rude, unfaithful and untrue. Once King Lear banishes Cordelia, the kingdom starts to emotionally fall apart and King Lear loses all his values and morals. For instance, King Lear believes the lies that Goneril and Regan tell because he is vain and enjoys sycophancy, but as Cordelia refuses to speak of lies and tell the truth Lear gets irritated and banishes her from the castle as quoted ‘I am unhappy that I am, I cannot hear my heave my heart into my mouth; I love your majesty according to my bond, no more nor less’ emphasising the contemplation she has to hereby the words of King Lear as his daughter. Another example of appearance and reality was the love triangle between Edmond, Goneril and Regan. The two evil sisters were both ttracted to Edmund because of the mutual conflict between their two families; Edmund’s wickedness made both sister’s betray each other and in the end all that they were fighting over was worth nothing because the outcome for both sister’s was death. In Shakespeare’s play King Lear, forcefulness of love was a significant and empowering theme as the three daughters are fo rced to recite their love for Lear. However, King Lear is looking for a more over exaggerated and fictitious description of how loyal and faithful Cordelia can be. Cordelia refrains herself from doing so because she isn’t selfish and is honest. In the opening scene Act 1 Scene 1, in the lines â€Å"Then poor Cordelia, And yet not so, since I am sure my love’s more ponderous than my tongue† Family relationships also played a critical role because it showed betrayal, wickedness and Lear’s foolishness in rejecting Cordelia’s true love. However, Cordelia still remained loyal towards Lear despite all his cruelty towards her In Conclusion, King Lear has successfully related itself to the modern world by incorporating the concept of appearance and reality, family relationships, forcefulness of love and blindness and madness. How to cite Unfinished King Lear, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Cartoons Cereal a Music Analysis free essay sample

Music Analysis Cartoons Cereal Now I was raised In a sandbox next to you and her You was holding the handgun, she was giving birth To a baby boy to be just like you, I wonder what thats worth I-I wonder if you ever knew you were a role model to me first . .. You told me, Dont be like me, Just finish watching cartoons Which is funny because all I see is Wile E. Coyotes in the room (ironic)? The bridge is the foundation of the entire song.It has a way of notifying the listener of the adventure they are about to embark on and that this Eng Is far from the conventional hip-hop and rap music that Is often blasted on the local radio airwaves. The listener Is tolerated back to Snickers childhood to the playground, particularly in the sandbox. The sandbox is a representation of creative freedom; an individual can create anything he or she desires. Although it can provide freedom, the sandbox is also the dirtiest place on the playground; it can come with all types of germs and other undesirable objects. Kindlier Lamar mentions his father Eliding the handgun, [while] she was giving birth Where she is being referred o as his mother, this line Is an Idiom for taking life and giving life. Some teens are forced Into parenthood and cannot handle the responsibilities. Fathers leave and mothers neglect, nevertheless a child will find security and guidance wherever it seems to appear. In the next couple of lines, Kindlier states: I-I wonder if you ever knew you were a role model to me at first, most young black men do not have a positive male figure in their lives, so they are forced to look for the next thing.Whether it Is their mother or the local dope boy, It will be found and It cannot be said whether It Is positive or negative. As an adult, Kindlier is faced with the reality that not everyone may have his personal wellbeing In favor and all he sees .. . Is Wile E. Coyotes in the room He had to be the Roadrunner; be smart and cunning when faced with difficult situations, whereas Wile E. Coyote was sneaky and a conniving individual. All his parents wanted was for him to keep his innocence and remain a child for as long as possible, and this is showed when its implied that his father told him, Dont be like me, Just finish watching cartoons This sit make a Amiga Just Anna write, reminisce when I had a morning appetite Apple Jacks, had nothing that I hit the TV Guide, Insomniacs the only thing that gave me peace of mind Im a maniac when aiming at the enemy. .. Tell a story thatll never glory 25 Anti nobody going tie your shoe, nobody grew up by (by) your rule, Nobody horn your gun, how come, your tongue say kill then kill my mood, . Till I wreck into a pole, like a right to vote I am from the bottom of the Jungle living in the bottom of the food chain, . ..In the era where we want earn soon thats an error, you can smell it In the alarm everybody really mode thats why Im background you knapsacks all hall can suck my dull, all them days at the county buildings, Im bout to make my momma rich cartoons and (cereal I anti felt this (good since) Scrooge Muck (here we go) Elementary hood sit Kindlier Lamar started off as a poet and since he was a young child, it was always his way to express himself. When he was a child, television, particularly cartoons, was his way of escaping reality, note that he said the Insomniacs, the only thing that gave mind. The black male is left to fend for himself a lot in recent society, especially in ingle parent households. Kindlier expresses his thought that most will not live to . Tell a story thatll never glory 25 shows that the life expectancy of a black male is well before 25. If one is to live past 25, they are simply lucky. When Kindlier says anti nobody going tie your shoe nobody go by (by) your rule He means that he had to retain a sense of independence even though he was so young. He learned that someone is not always going to be there. Furthermore, that he has no restrictions growing up because he was self-sufficient.With his father in Jail and his mother instantly working to support him, it was no wonder why cartoons were his scapegoat from reality. When an individual comes from a low income background, and individual is at the bottom and that is exactly what Kindlier means when he says, I am from the bottom of the Jungle living in the bottom of the food chain There is nowhere else for him to go but up in the world, and because he is at the bottom of the food chain, he may be considered a weak aspect in society as well as an easy target for those who have no remorse for those individuals who are trying to succeed in this world.Kindlier believes that we live in the era where we want earn soon And the youth no longer want to honestly work for their rewards, they would rather have it instantly and soon it becomes a problem and the youth fail to realize that everybody really doomed. Many doubted the fact that Kindlier Lamar was a talented writer and that music would take him far, which is why he chose to sneak up on his competition. Once Kindlier realized that his rapping can take him somewhere in the world, he believed that all those countless hours in the county alluding will pay off and now he can provide for his mother. Salt all in my wounds hear my tears all in my tunes let my life loose in this booth Just for you, mafias hope hall amused! I did wrong, karma came crackers gave me ball and chain. Friends, enemies all the same state, fed both can hang. Nobody cant mute me, but I never said nobody cant shoot me, Just another stats to the white folks.. . Hunt the money, dont hunt the ho if you do what you always done, then you get what you always got you dumb buffoons Hand on my heart, face to the hood I pledge every word you ever eared was honest, yea this me, no mimic, no cameras, no lights, Just pain mama how much trauma can I sustain Road to riches got lots of lanes Just another player with lots of game, never had sit got lots to gain Gunplay first lines of his verse is his way of displaying a sense of openness and raw unguarded emotion to the listener. Some may take him as a Joke and find his openness as a Joke. Gunplay realizes that his actions were not reflections of who he is as an individual and has paid his debt to society. His referral to Caucasians as crackers shows disdain for the race, because to hem, black people are nothing but Just another stats to the white folks. .. Many black males has heard from either a father, uncle, older cousin, and maybe a mother, that money was the motivation, so they were to hunt the money, dont hunt the ho. Not only for the sake of having money, but to prevent teen pregnancy, or Just unplanned pregnancies period, which seemed to be a top issue in the hood. Gunplay wants people to understand that as a unit, individuals have to change their way of thinking and that if you do what you always done, then you get what you always got. It isnt make sense to expect a different outcome, if an individual performs the same loyalty in his verse.With his hand on his heart, face to the hood [he] pledge[s] every word you ever heard honest. Hes been truthful to himself and others about what hes been through and has always remained the same through his struggle. It has always been Just him, no mimic, no cameras, no lights, Just pain. Hes aware that the road to riches comes with lots of lanes, but it is all about choosing the correct path, and not falling for fast cash and the sly lines used to trap the youth into believing hat the fastest route is the best choice.Gunplay simply believes that he is Just another player with lots of game, never had sit, got lots to gain. Meaning that he is another rapper with raw talent and so much to say, and he never had anything so he has everything to gain. Cartoons Cereal is the unconventional tale of what it is like to grow up black in America. I can personally relate to each of the artists in the aspect of having to retain mental stability and stay on top of my business at the same time. This song gives the listener a vivid auditory autobiography from both Kindlier and Gunplay, all he while creating a contemporary genre in rap music.The art of storytelling has been long lost in rap music and Kindlier Lamar and Gunplay are two of the few artists who are slowly reviving it. This song is aimed towards black youth to listen to their stories and to stray away from the destructive pathways of the streets. The idea formulated earlier referring to Kindlier Lamar as the Roadrunner was meant to show that his music has surpassed generations ahead of there the rap music industry is right now and hes simply waiting for everyone else to catch up.