Thursday, February 27, 2020

Effects of pollution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Effects of pollution - Assignment Example This essay discusses the effects of specific pollution with regard to human health, land, water, and land. Pollution is one of the aspects that have a detrimental effect on human health. This occurs in various ways. For instance, over the years, agriculture has experienced major technological developments in order to enhance food production. To a considerable extent this has also resulted in improvement in the standards of health and safety for those individuals working in agriculture. This is through their enhanced awareness of personal protection and awareness of hazards. However, there remains much to be done in order to improve the health status of individuals and prevent injuries that are related to agriculture. This is because agriculture continues to expose individuals to long term health risks. The modern farming practices contribute to respiratory illness and exposures. These expose individuals to several acute and chronic respiratory diseases. Mostly, people in agriculture are exposed to organic dusts, toxic gases, and biaerosols. Similarly, exposure to inorganic dusts from soil components that have silicates results in nodules and macules. Additionally, exposure to pesticides results in differernt adverse effects on humans. For instance, reproductive effects include miscarriages and preterm delivery, as well as infertility among women that are highly exposed. Furthermore, various studies show that the modern farming practices are a cause of hearing loss among the individuals exposed. Notably, the current farming practices include high levels of noise from vacuum pumps and tractors, among other machineries that exceed the standard noise levels by OSHA (Schenker, M. & Kirkhorn, 2011). Apart from modern farming practices, municipal service also does have a negative impact on human health. Municipal waste is the waste that is generated from homes, schools, small businesses, and shops. This waste is collected by local authorities,

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Irish economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Irish economy - Essay Example This fall in GDP growth rate had been a second to a similar dip during the fourth quarter of 2009, which is why the nation feared the possibility of a â€Å"double-dip recession† (Breadun, O’Brien & O’Brien, 2010). â€Å"Keynesian style stimulus package† Keynes had mainly emphasized upon the implementation of demand triggering policies for an economic boost. However, a positive shift in aggregate demand is least possible when an economy follows a stringent budget regime as the case had been for the Irish economy. In fact, a stringent budget policy is one of the reasons why the economy could not surpass over its recessionary phase successfully that tended a come-back within a short span. This is one of the reasons, why â€Å"Irish trade unions have stated that the previous austerity budgets have failed† and hence, have proposed that a â€Å"Keynesian style stimulus package† be followed. The Keynesian model of equilibrium proposed the following identity to equate aggregate national income, Y, with components of aggregate demand as follow – Y ? C (Y – T) + I + G + (X – M(Y)) Where, Y = National Income, T = Aggregate tax being paid. Hence, (Y – T) = Disposable Income C = Consumption Expenditure, I = Investment Expenditure, G = Government Expenditure, X = Aggregate Export Revenues M = Aggregate Imports Thus, four ways through which a stimulus package could be constructed to ensure an economic boost are as follows – Firstly, Keynes had advised a stimulus to be provided to the investors of the economy so that they should come forward and venture investment projects which could help in creating employment opportunities and thus, boost consumption demand through positively affecting the production of...†¢ Firstly, Keynes had advised a stimulus to be provided to the investors of the economy so that they should come forward and venture investment projects which could help in creating employm ent opportunities and thus, boost consumption demand through positively affecting the production of output. †¢ Secondly, the government could actually make tax relaxations to motivate people to consume more as they will be left with larger disposable income volumes. Greater the disposable income is, higher will be the consumption expenditure of the people and thus, higher will be the income generation in the economy. †¢ Thirdly, the national government must not make deductions in its own expenses and rather boost them which could actually result to increases in the aggregate demand of the economy and thus, its income level. This is starkly in contrast to the measures adopted by the Irish government which is that of restricting its budget expenditures or rather constraining it more. †¢ Lastly, the national government could also make adjustments in its rate of exchange so as to positively influence the demand for exports and negatively affect import demands. For instance, an economy amidst a recession could choose to depreciate its domestic currency so that the foreigners find it more and more lucrative to increase their purchases from the country in question, while the domestic people are back off from importing from nations which have a dearer currency.