Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Marketing Consumer Behavior Singtel Telecommunication Company

Question: Examine about the Marketing Consumer Behavior Singtel Telecommunication Company. Answer: Organization foundation SingTel is the top most media transmission organization of Singapore and it was joined in the year 1992 with named as Telecommunications Equipment. In the year 1993, it turned into an open division organization and it has the yearly income right around 12600 dollars. The organization has just about 600 million clients at present from very nearly 25 nations and the organization works a significant distance connection with the client (Solomon, 2014). The global submarine link system of the organization gives the association of right around 100 nations with Singapore. The organization SingTel portable is the primary administrators that dispatch iPhone in Singapore in the year 2008. SingTel is the Singapores biggest system administrators. Organization PESTLE Political Analysis Media transmission organizations including the SingTel organization have gone into the period of the computerized innovation. To fulfill the interest of the clients the organization is the pattern toward the progression, deregulation, and privatization. For SingTel, these adjustments in the organization make numerous difficulties and opportunity moreover. The organization is animating increasingly inventive thoughts and administrations for the market and the clients. Financial matters Analysis The factor that is influencing the SingTel Company legitimately is the financial aspects factor. The expanded limit level for the association to exchange at the global level is the greatest open door for the organization (Anderson He, 2015). To differing, the economy Singapore government has done an overwhelming speculation and for that, the SingTel Company is additionally having the chance. The development in all the monetary parts is a lot of successful for the development of the SingTel Company. Social Analysis Singapore is the blend social culture of Malays, Eurasians, Chinese, and Indians. The individuals of the Singapore are changing their ways of life with the adjustment in the time and they all are getting computerized. For the difference in the way of life and propensity for the individuals, the telecom organizations are additionally changing (Lindquist et al., 2015). Clients are a lot of connected with the utilization of the cell phones and web and for that, the SingTel Company set their market to fulfill their clients need. Innovative Analysis The innovation of the telecom business has changed a ton in the ongoing years. Every single new assistance like web, web based business and other telecom administrations are presented in the market. SingTel additionally spread all the administrations like other telecom organization however their unique ID is the web based movement and online business (Hantula Wells, 2014). SingTel has the most trend setting innovation for the client and they give the best system to the clients. SingTel Company system for the drawn out development is to put more in the innovation. Lawful Analysis The IDA has taken the choice for Sing Tel's exception solicitation of the individual markets and client portion to be pertinent for the organization. This will assist the organization with getting the exception from prevailing guideline (Lantos, 2015). First and foremost, the organization was a restraining infrastructure organization yet now they are the biggest telecom organization in Singapore. SWOT investigation SingTel Company has the solid market position in Singapore as it is the biggest telecom organization in Singapore (Loveland, 2016). They give the best system to the client and furthermore for the group of people yet to come and they have very nearly 600 million clients. SingTel has the most cutting edge innovation for the client and they give the best system to the clients. Their primary shortcoming is that they did a terrible act of securing that is they think they are the one in particular who is the best on the planet and can do anything. One a greater amount of their shortcomings are that they give their 90% concentration in the market of Singapore instead of extending their exchange. Their highest open door is that the market of Singapore if full with the individuals of China, India, Malaysia and Eurasia so they have the best chance to create in the market (Weller et al., 2015). Their fundamental danger is the opposition of the other telecom organizations in light of different o rganizations they need to change their valuing technique for the clients (Vinerean et al., 2013). Their one more danger is that the innovation is changing quick and to be in the realm of digitization they need to confront numerous difficulties. SWOT Analysis Qualities They have solid market position They give the system of the people to come They have the high piece of the pie in the Singapore showcase They have the most trend setting innovation Shortcomings They had an extremely awful act of securing They give an excess of spotlight on the Singapore showcase They gave helpless exertion for the connection with the clients Openings They have the best market fragment in Singapore showcase Their satellite and data innovation fiber is additionally exceptionally advance Their system administrations and portable information are additionally the best in the market They are slanting to develop the M2M correspondence for example Machine to machine Dangers Increment in the quantity of the contenders Innovation are changing in a quick manner They face incredible effect on activity for the administrative changes Target advertise portrayal SingTel is the media transmission organization of Singapore and their principle target is the Singapore showcase and the clients. In Singapore, the organization gets various sections of individuals particularly the individuals from India, China, Eurasia and Malaysia (Inoue Kent, 2014). So to focus available of the Singapore dependent on the four portions of clients is the greatest chance of the organization. Singapore is the solid nation with the media transmission area and SingTel is the biggest and the top most organization of Singapore. Their objective market is the whole city of Singapore and their objective advertisers are the individuals from India, China, Eurasia, and Malaysia. Their objective is to get the greatest number of the client and to turn into the top most telecom organization on the planet (Xiang et al., 2015). At present they have very nearly 600 million clients and the most extreme is from the Singapore. They have numerous contenders like Ericsson, Star Hub and so forth however they despite everything hold their market position in the Singapore showcase as the top most administrators of the system administrations (Cantallops Salvi, 2014). They portion their market according to the birthplace of the individuals and furthermore according to the age of the clients in light of the fact that the youthful ages are the person who is utilizing the innovation most. So their fundamental objective markets are the clients of the Singapore since they are a lot of expected towards the utilization of the system administrations. Dynamic procedure Need acknowledgment It is essential to underhand the ideal significance and the usage of the dynamic procedure as it helps in expanding the viability of the work procedures of the firm concerned. It is characterized s the main fundamental advance of the shopper purchasing conduct which is in some cases called as the difficult recognizable proof (Zhao et al., 2014). It happens when the particular client has an interest or need which isn't satisfied. In this progression, the genuine need of the purchaser is comprehended and in this manner after this SingTel can help the clients in a successful manner. Data search The pursuit of the ideal data is vital as it helps in assessing the ideal need of the clients from the administrations conveyed to the concerned clients (Papadopoulos Heslop, 2014). It is in this way significant for the supervisory group of SingTel to direct a compelling examination strategy so as to draw out the pertinent data with respect to the assessment of the need and the requests of the clients all through the market fragments concerned. This progression likewise prompts the hazard the executives procedures and these should be assessed viably. Assessment of the Alternatives It has been seen that if the client sets a decision for the specific acquisition of the item then the individual in question searches for the best arrangement that can get from the particular market. There come a few elements with respect to the acquisition of the item, for example, value, quality and the dependability of the administrations or the items offered by the association (Kardes et al., 2014). Along these lines, it turns out to be progressively significant for SingTel to concoct compelling systems with the goal that the ideal benefit can be expanded to a huge degree. Buy choice This is one of the most vital advances that help in giving the ideal height in the execution of the business procedures of the association (Zeugner-Roth et al., 2015). The buy choices are one which helps in expanding the ideal deals for a specific item or administrations offered to the association. Affecting procedures should be embraced by the supervisory crew so as to build the selling of the items and administrations offered by the association. Post buy assessment It is the last advance of the dynamic procedure which helps in getting to the shopper in regards agreeable to him concerning the acquisition of the item or the administration. It is absolutely founded on the fulfillment level accomplished by the client with respect to the acquisition of the item (Godey et al., 2016). The supervisory group brute SingTel needs to distinguish the fulfillment level of every one of its buyers as it will help in assessing the adequacy of the business forms concerned. Two social effects on purchasing conduct Two of the social impacts influencing the purchaser or the purchaser conduct are reference gatherings and the job in the general public. These assume the most crucial job in affecting the conduct of the purchaser with respect to the acquisition of the specific item. the reference bunches comprise f the companions, relatives, family members and the collaborators which share their encounters with respect to the utilization of the items and aides in expanding the deals of that specific item (Goh et al., 2013). The following is the recognizable proof of the job of

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Abu Dhabi Police Essay Example for Free

Abu Dhabi Police Essay The point of convergence of this paper is to build up an arrangement that would be effectively executing a hierarchical change the board framework inside Abu Dhabi Police division so as to expand its productivity, advancement and accomplishing future goals. It ought to be expressed that right now there are a few issues identified with the issue and it is expected to beat those so as to acquire mileage over the long haul. The fundamental part of this issue lies in the conventional type of police and examination methodology that are considered and executed with nearly lesser proficiency. This could likewise be satisfied that the usefulness of the Abu Dhabi police office is progressively old in approach and there is a basic requirement for the division to find the remainder of the world as far as innovation execution and effectiveness assessment. Moreover, it is likewise basic to investigate the parts of managerial recreation as the division can't work up to its actual potential with the regulatory structure situated at a medieval situation. (Sheep, 2004, 69) Thus it can well be expressed that the issue with Abu Dhabi police isn't just with it’s beneath the standard utility and productivity yet in addition is identified with the evil definition of the regulatory framework. Logically, the division is in extraordinary need of discovering answers for invalidating these issues. It ought to be expressed that right now there is a five stage solution for this disease. Right off the bat, it is basic to comprehend the current administration of Abu Dhabi police division and recognize the key zones of progress. Additionally, it is significant in the part of investigating the past to get a comprehension about Abu Dhabi Police department’s status and critically dispensing with the danger of following the old errors. At that point, it ought to be noticed that a wide report is fused with an assortment of techniques for change the executives rehearses and their materialness in Abu Dhabi Police division. Moreover, it is imperative to research the capability of elective techniques for change the executives and the most favorable will be propelled. Finally, a system would be made with imminent upgrade that can be presented, understanding the structure and working society right now present in Abu Dhabi police office. It ought to be referenced that the hypothetical system will include police and open meetings, police and public’s key meeting, authentic records, optional research through the Internet and college database, it will likewise utilize key investigation apparatuses for advancement of the assessment of the best technique among coercive and consensual policing. In this setting it ought to likewise be referenced that the reason for the venture is defined in a commonly useful manner with the end goal that from a scholarly point of view there would be a tremendous increase with regards to significant experience, and at the same time include an incentive by giving bits of knowledge just as a new target attitude toward any issue pertinent to the social setting. Research configuration will follow the accompanying strategy or timetable. Initially the members will be prepared about information assortment strategies and instruments to be utilized to gather the important data. The members will incorporate cops, information assortment officials, group pioneers and other clever staff. Besides the zones to be met will be distinguished and availability decided. These zones to be tested for the examination can extend from 10-16 of these zones, state 5 will be the place coercive policing will be forced and other five consensual policing can be applied. The time of the exploration can take a time of least 3 months and a limit of a half year of which during this period information will be gathered. Thirdly the information so gathered will be set up as a report of discoveries. At last, the last reports will be broke down and assessment for assurance of the distinction among consensual and coercive types of arrangement. The distinctive should put more accentuation on the distinction. So as to accomplish the targets it is basic to perceive the current practices in Abu Dhabi police division and furthermore in the cutting edge police branches of nations like USA, Germany, UK, Australia and so forth. This will be finished by singular meetings of the authorities in Abu Dhabi and the through polls from different corners of the world. Essential research will be determined on close to home meetings with Abu Dhabi Police division authorities that will give an inward perspective on the present setting and future objectives. This will likewise be a key premise of understanding the inactivity for change. This will help in drawing out the sign of the present oversaw framework in Abu Dhabi police office association. At last the customers will help in giving the genuine print of Abu Dhabi Police department’s working and key regions of progress. Information introduced from this exploration will help to assess the accepted procedures model and the genuine working. This will help in showing the distinction and the explanation behind Abu Dhabi police office association to actualize a fruitful change the board. Abu Dhabi Police higher authorities will be arbitrarily chosen with positive time and spot for the meetings to be done. At long last the examination will be centered around the authentic information by taking a gander at the Abu Dhabi Police department’s system before. In the event that any disappointment or any glitches are to be found in organizations technique they will be pointed in this examination. This will assist the essayist with understanding the Abu Dhabi Police department’s objectives before and their usage procedure. It is important to plan another examination that test the factual strategy. For the reason it is important to gather a total information of the site that would incorporate diverse religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation. An open gathering with police just as the general mass or open would be applicable in this setting in the underlying stages. The blended sex of male and female Police and open could well be barred as that would muddle matters with regards to sexual orientation variable compared with other pre referenced factors yet considering other trustworthy elements supporting it would respect be productive over the long haul. Information would be gathered corresponding to the sexual orientation, shading, religion of the potential clients in regard to the sythesis of the administration under similar parameters. Every one of these factors are considered as exceptionally pertinent and significant highlights of the measurable technique and it is to be checked whether these perspectives are on a very basic level adequate in functional world and it could well be referenced that social help, particularly security administration industry, are an extremely applicable appearance of the social measurements. Accordingly if the test is completed in an appropriate way with legitimate figurings of the populace included then there is no explanation that the outcomes would be both sensible and valid toward the end thought. In understanding to the essential test chosen it could be expressed that it could be conceivable that the result would be moderately coherent as in it would eventually follow the patterns of social help hypothesis in showcasing and consequently it would be pleasant with the measurable technique and in this manner a very much detailed promoting procedure can be built to serve the Police and open the same as a distinct strategy can be picked among coercive and consensual policing. In any case, it ought to be expressed that there would be not many free factors with regards to the test that couldn't be clarified by the factual technique articulations. Here the moral thought of the potential Police and open or the ethnic foundation of the potential Police and open may not be an exceptionally pertinent factor. In this way there could be a few blemishes to the assortment of the populace yet on the off chance that these perspectives are remembered, at that point the inadequacies would handily be haggled during a definitive calculations. Subsequently the test would have all the earmarks of being a full sealed measure that would have the option to characterize and demonstrate the major angles and factual technique applied. It ought to be noticed that the entrance to the exploration members is both simple and hard. Regarding the open meeting it would be moderately simple to distinguish and get to however the troublesome part is outline the examiner in understanding to the shading and statement of faith of the members by and large. In the event of the police talk with there would be progressively homogenous example as far as the examiner yet the troublesome part is obtain entrance. For the reason it is organized to procure authorization from the expectation office. Information will be gathered utilizing two distinct techniques. The main will be interviews, which include residents, cops from the examined zones. This is a favorable position in that criticism can be gotten in a split second. The subsequent will be utilization of surveys, which will be managed to the tested zones. The survey to be utilized will be the opened kind. The benefit of this technique is that the data acquired can be evaluated to mirror that the inspected bunch as a major aspect of the whole populace. The bit of leeway is that it is simpler to dissect information gathered through poll technique. It ought to be noticed that unwavering quality for the analyst was accomplished in the affirmation that lone a predefined gathering of people were used concerning the exploration. That gathering was centered for the most part around clients and retails alongside regulatory work force. This gave the exploration an increasingly engaged perspective on the examination objective. The legitimacy was overseen because of this concentration and stressed in the contemplations associated with the information assortment, factors, and inspecting strategies. Security and secrecy strategies included appointing numeric and alphabetic coding to each reacting poll. This guaranteed secrecy with respect to t

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Great Gatsby Essay

The Great Gatsby Essay Fitzgerald composed The Great Gatsby as a parody that remarks on American goals during the 1920s. He shows the indiscretion of everybody during the time by depicting them in the network of East and West Egg. Fitzgerald passes on two distinct subjects all through the story. One is the American Dream is tainted by the craving for riches and the other is the Attainment of a fantasy might be less fulfilling than the quest for it. He utilizes those topics to show how The Great Gatsby is a parody of American Ideals. The American dream is life ought to be better and more extravagant and more full for one. This fantasy is tainted between the relationship of Gatsby and daisy. Daisy is the image of all that Gatsby makes progress toward; her voice is loaded with cash, as Gatsby portrays it. Her voice was loaded with cash that was the endless appeal that rose and fell in it, its jingle, the cymbals tune in it (Fitzgerald 120). She can be deciphered as a twentieth-century flapper since she catches men with her imposing, secretive voice. Gatsby turned out to be so fascinated by her voice that he put together the entirety of his activities with respect to prevailing upon Daisy. Her voice contains the guarantee of immense wealth. In any case, Gatsby is past the point where it is possible to understand that cash is the main thing her voice guarantees. There is no empathy in Daisy, similarly as there is none in cool, hard money. Daisys dream is debased by riches since she is found Toms riches and Gatsbys ri ches. Daisy and Toms marriage is additional verification of the breakdown of the American dream. Despite the fact that they have a place with the West Egg social gathering and have extraordinary riches, they are troubled. Tom is first depicted as one of those men who arrive at such an intense restricted greatness at twenty-one that everything subsequently appreciates of disappointment (Fitzgerald 6). Tom and Daisy are both in unsatisfied with life and are looking for something better. They have gone to France and floated to a great extent distress completely any place individuals were rich and played polo together (Fitzgerald 6). They are despondent and exhausted with life. Tom is by all accounts scanning for the fervor that he found in playing football in school, and he finds an outlet for his disappointment by undermining his significant other with Myrtle. By and by, Gatsby doesn't see that achieving riches and influence doesn't rise to satisfaction. The Buchanans marriage is loaded with falsehoods and acts of unfaithfulness, yet they are joined through their debasement. After Tom has found Daisys disloyalty and Myrtle has been slaughtered, their insensitive childishness is uncovered when they are brought together over singed chicken and two containers of lager (Fitzgerald 145). They instinctually search out one another in light of the fact that each perceives the others quality in the degenerate otherworldly component they occupy. After Myrtle and Gatsby are both murdered, neither one of the Buchanans sends their respects or appear to be contrite. Truth be told, they go on a short excursion, which means that the absence of empathy they have toward others. There was no affection for anybody. All individuals thought about was riches and gatherings. Scratch sees Tom and Daisy as they truly seem to be, cutthroat and thoughtless. They crushed up things and animals and afterward withdrew once more into their cash or their tremendous i nconsiderateness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let others tidy up the chaos they had made (Fitzgerald 179). Tom and Daisys activities are a sign of the unfavorable and sincerely desensitizing impacts that riches can have on somebody. They center a lot around appearance and things of financial worth, while overlooking people groups sentiments and lives. Jordan Bakers plans are additionally contrarily affected by the corruptive characteristics of riches. Despite the fact that Nick is pulled in to Jordans exhausted, jolly, indiscreet air from the outset, he at last comprehends that it passes on her significant dismissal for different people groups emotions. Jordan bolsters Daisy having an unsanctioned romance, since Daisy should have something in her life (Fitzgerald 79). She sees Gatsby as something, not somebody. Jordan likewise has gained notoriety for being deceptive and for being a tattle. She was associated with a golf competition embarrassment in which she was blamed for moving her golf ball to further her potential benefit. Jordan has a place with the East Egg social gathering as a result of her imprudent, untrustworthy ways. She fills in as an insight with regards to the genuine idea of the individuals from East Egg. Jordan may likewise be a sign of the kinds of individuals that Gatsby engages, since she goes to his gathering s. She is like a considerable lot of his partygoers in that she misuses his friendliness yet never gives any certifiable grace toward him. It is telling that Gatsbys house is loaded with individuals all through the whole summer, yet when Gatsby passes on, nobody goes to his burial service aside from Nick and Gatsbys father. The shallow colleagues of Gatsby were never his actual companions the main utilized him for his luxurious liberality. The innumerable individuals who go to his gatherings, ride on his hydroplane and in his vehicle, and drink his liquor are no place to be seen when the opportunity arrives to offer their feelings of appreciation for him. The subject of the quest for a fantasy is more fulfilling than achieving the fantasy itself rehashes itself all through the book. Gatsbys dream was to get Daisy. We see this reiteration of a green light however out the story. Each time Gatsby took a gander at Daisys house Fitzgerald referenced the green light. Fitzgerald thinks about Gatsbys green light to the green bosom of the new world (Fitzgerald 180), contrasting Gatsbys fantasy about rediscovering Daisy with the wayfarers disclosure of America and the guarantee of another landmass. Notwithstanding, Gatsbys dream is discolored by his material belongings, much like America is currently with our fixation on riches. Gatsby needed nothing less of Daisy than that she ought to go to tom and state: I never adored you (Fitzgerald 109). Gatsby attempted and attempted to get Daisy to think she never cherished Tom yet the reality of the situation was that she loved him. The quest for the fantasy was more fulfilling for Gatsby than really a ccomplishing it. He tossed parties just to trust she would come and he would have the option to see him. He got rich so he could dazzle her with pleasant things. On the off chance that Gatsby genuinely got Daisys heart they would wind up doing likewise as Tom and she ordinarily do. At long last they will have a similar supper seared chicken㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦and two containers of beer (Fitzgerald 145) and it would get old and afterward they would wind up taking part in an extramarital entanglements with others around town like nothing at any point changed. By all accounts, Fitzgeralds epic may seem, by all accounts, to be only a shallow novel about the jazz, gatherings, and glamour that he encountered in the mid twentieth century. After closer assessment, nonetheless, it is clear that The Great Gatsby is a significant social discourse on the degenerate and baffling impacts that realism can have on citizenry. We likewise discover that at long last achieving your fantasy isn't as fun as attempting to get it. Fitzgerald wrote a parody that indicated the beliefs of the 1820s.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Global Competitiveness and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - 4400 Words

Global Competitiveness and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) (Research Paper Sample) Content: Global Competitiveness and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)NameInstitution Global Competitiveness and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)It is evident that the world nowadays has been turned into a global village because of the enormous technological advances, which has led to global competitiveness between companies. Global competitiveness has led to many companies to venture into international business whereby they have opened branches in various countries worldwide. Global competitiveness has also led to these companies establishing their doing-business strategies to cater for the humongous opportunities presented in international business (Nicholls, 2012). On the other hand, FDI (Foreign direct investment) refers to an investment into business or production, which is normally direct in a particular country by a company or an individual of another country. Foreign direct investment is normally done through purchasing a company in that target country or through a company expanding its operations of a business, which already exists in that country (Schwab, 2012). This study will expound on the effects of FDI in China and South Africa. FDI effects in ChinaChina is notably among the fastest growing economies in the world currently. Chinas impressive and prosperous economic growth has greatly assisted the country to attract huge amounts of FDIs and this in turn increased its productivity particularly in its economys export manufacturing sector. FDI has also largely fuelled Chinas growth through increased tax revenues, skill and technological transfer, export promotion, and capital formation. In addition, the creation of Chinas large growing middle class, increased infrastructure as well as economic reforms encouragement has continued to attract FDI inflows into China and this has led to Chinas increased growth in its economy (Jiang, 2003).FDI plays an integral and extraordinary function in the growth in global business and FDI has continued to fuel Chi nas economic growth through creation of employment, attraction of capital investments, and increased manufacturing exports. Other integral factors include attraction of international brand names and skilled labor as well as the transfer of technology and knowledge into Chinas local economy. It is paramount to note that Chinas growing economy which is above one billion people presents foreign companies with a huge market where they can sell their services and products and they can also build manufacturing plants for their products because of available labor. This factor has significantly contributed to the growth of FDI in China. FDI has evidently improved infrastructure development and expanded the domestic market by creating jobs in China (Jiang, 2003).FDI is notable in offering special interest due to its positive effects on economic growth. The FDI inflow ratio in 1980 to Chinas GDI (Gross Domestic Investment) was negligible but by 1992, it had increased to 7% and by 2004, it had grown to 36%. Chinas economic growth has been fuelled mainly by two factors, which include increased FDI ratio and capital investments. Statistics indicate that China receives the second largest portion of overall FDI in the world and it has continued to increase from 25% to nearly 40% due to the economical structures the government in China is undertaking in order to attract more FDI. FDI particularly in Chinas export manufacturing has notably had a huge impact in its economic growth as compared to the local investment. Statistics further show that in the 1990s first half, industrial establishments represented nearly 85% of all FIEs (Foreign-Invested Enterprises) as well as 73% of all FDI (Schwab, 2012). This trend has continued to grow significantly and it has led to heavy industries, which are extremely labor intensive. However, this allows more Chinese people to be employed and they become better consumers (Jiang, 2003).China in 2008 had planned to spend nearly $590 billion for infrastructure developments, which would focus on development of technology, railways, and roads. This was the countrys stimulus package after the effects of the global financial crisis in 2007. Good infrastructure is vital for transportation and communication of goods to the various markets and this attracts more FDI. The major source of the economic growth in China has been the FDI, which has led to an increase in manufacturing exports, attraction of capital formation, an increase in tax revenues, and transfer of skills and knowledge (Jiang, 2003). FDI effects in South AfricaSouth Africa is among the biggest economies in Africa, which has been fuelled by its vast natural resources that includes gold. South Africa has always had a benefit-detriment relationship with FDI and since 2002; the country has offered incentives to all foreign investors. These incentives are offered though the countrys SIP (strategic industrial project). These incentives have been integral in the continued increase of FDI in South Africa, which raised from nearly UD$40 billion in 2000 to UD$69.5 billion in 2007 (Schwab, 2012). This increase led to improved infrastructure, increased purchasing power, relatively inexpensive labor and natural resources as well strategic position of South Africa in the global economy in accordance to Razafimahefa Hamori (2007).FDI inflows in South Africa has greatly impacted the country through various effects which include employment effects, effects on economic and competition growth, balance-of-payments effects, and resource-transfer effects. There have been positive effects from FDI in South Africas economy through supplying management, technology, and capital resources, which have boosted the economic growth rate of the country according to Razafimahefa &am...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Breast Cancer Causes, Signs And Symptoms And Risk Factors

LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION: This section is going to review literature on overview of breast cancer, its causes, signs and symptoms and risk factors. It will also look at literature on screening methods of breast cancer, particularly mammogram. OVERVIEW OF BREAST CANCER According to Rodney et al (2003), breast cancer is the commonly occurring cancer in women, responsible for one third of all malignancies in females. It is said to be the second to lung cancer as a cause of cancer mortality and has been found to be the leading cause of death for American women between the ages of 40 and 55 years. It has been noted that the incidence of breast cancer is highest in North America and Northern Europe and lowest in Asia and Africa (Rodney et†¦show more content†¦(Galukande et al, 2010) In USA in the year 2015, 232 000 women were newly diagnosed with breast cancer and 40 000 women died of it. It has been also noted that the risk of breast cancer increases with age and women between the ages of 55 and 64 are most frequently diagnosed with breast cancer. The most common age of death for breast cancer is 68 years. (US preventive services task force, 2016.) Breast cancer represents 10% of all cancers diagnosed worldwide annually and constituted 22% of all new cancers in women in 2000 making it by far the most common cancer in women. CAUSES OF BREAST CANCER The causes of breast cancer are not understood thus making it a bit difficult to tell why people develop breast cancer. Age contributes in causing breast cancer and it is common amongst women over the age of 50 years who have gone through menopause. If you had close relatives that had breast cancer in the past then there are high chances that you develop breast cancer. Previous diagnosis of breast cancer is when you had breast cancer before and you were diagnosed, you have a high risk of developing breast cancer again either on your other breast or the same breast. Being obese or overweight may cause breast cancer because of the amount of oestrogen in the body. If you are taller than the average, you are likely to develop breast cancer because it may be caused by interactions between the genes and

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Behavior Is Defined As A Social Science...

Organizational Behavior I Introduction Organizational behavior is defined as a social science discipline just like cultural anthropology, economics, political science, psychology and sociology. It uses the scientific method to establish the truth as well as to validate the different theories. It is also considered as a discipline that is related to other social sciences that has its origins historically has had its intellectual home in the business school and a new discipline that is related to other social sciences that has its origins during the mid of twentieth century. The main focus of the discipline is the world of organization with the connection or relation to the behavior and nature of the different people that are involved in an organization and the behavior and nature of the organization towards their environment. This study will focus on the two objectives of the organizational behavior which are the communication and innovation. It will also focus on its connection to the main or core concept o f the article Unlock Discretionary Effort. It will give emphasis on the application or connection of the two said objectives in the real world A. Motivation Motivation is considered as one of the most complex issues in organizational behavior. It is the process that helps to arouse as well as sustain the goal-directed behavior. Intentions, desires, needs as well as aspiration are the diverse terms that can be used toShow MoreRelatedOrganization Behavior Disciplines/ Ob Disciplines1764 Words   |  8 PagesAs with most sciences, there exists a basis in which it is developed. As in Organizational Behavior it is â€Å"the study of the structure and functioning of organizations and the behavior of groups and individuals within them† and â€Å"drawing primarily on the disciplines of sociology and psychology† (Warner, 1994), that present it as a science that has strong ties to other disciplines. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Critical Appraisal Evidence Based Practice

Question: Discuss about theCritical Appraisal for Evidence Based Practice. Answer: Research Problem: While analyzing the paper that had been provided to the readers by the researchers, they have depicted the inconsistency that is present in the modern day in the information regarding caregivers that experiences more stress while caring for their patient. Different studies have been conducted over many years which states that different relationship shared by the caregiver and the care user often acts as the main determining factor about the intensity of the stress that may affect them. Certain cases depict as the caregivers who provide care to older parents suffer from more mental health issues than caregivers who are spouses of the care users. Many other researches again sated that sibling care giving results in more mental health stability than if care giving is provided by parents to children. Again gender issues are high stating that women are more ambivalent to paying care giving than men. All these leads to a maze like situation where clear idea about which category of caregive rs faces the most metal and physical health related issue and hence the research problem was rightly identified by the researchers. If the research becomes successful, it would help to provide enough information to solve the issues in the field. Literature Review: While going through the background that is provided by the author, it can be noticed that the author had reviewed a large numbers of articles in order to gather information about the different works that had been conducted by different researchers over the years. He have pointed out the various opinions that thay gave got from their own researchers. Different relationships among different caregiver care user pairs have been researched and opinions have been provided by them which had failed to give a consistent information about the issue depicted. Some have pointed that when caregivers are parents they develop more pressure on mental health than when care givers are siblings. Some have depicted that when caregivers are spouse, there is lesser emotions stress than when caregivers are son or daughters caring for their parents. Different researches have argued and given an exactly opposite opinion of the spouse caregivers being less emotionally stable. Several opinions among differ cat egories like parent caregivers caring for children or adult children caregivers caring for parents have also been denoted. Therefore he had been extremely successful in establishing the gaps that is present in the present day regarding the different levels of stresses experienced by caregivers. However, a negative aspect that is noticed here is that the researchers have selected journal which are very old like he had selected paper of Lscher and Pillemer which had been published in the year 1998. Even many paper as old as 2001 and 2002 are also been selected by him. This is often not a proper method of reviewing because current articles like those after 2013 provided more recent works that had been conducted. Old papers often have views and ideas which have got obsolete and may have been challenged by other authors. Hence this is found to be a negative point. Another issue that must also be noted here that the review is found to be unbalanced as the the author had reviewed more pape rs on the relationship and very less paper on the criteria of gender. Effect of gender on the caring attitude and the development of mental strength have not been reviewed extensively although he had mentioned that works are less. However it would have been more balanced if he would have tried to review more gender based article of caregivers in this areas. Theoretical Framework: A theoretical framework can be found in the research papers where the authors had tried their best to establish the gaps that are present in the studies that have been conducted. They have reviewed articles to gather information which is existing and thereby have linked with the methodology that he had taken to collect data and thereby analyze it with proper statistical tools and models (van-Dyk, 2014). Therefore the author has been successful in properly framing his research and represents it to the readers. Aims and Objectives: The author had clearly mentioned the aim of the project. He stated the aim as he wanted to compare spousal care giving with that of the care giving provided by adult children, parents, siblings, other family members and also non family friends. He wanted to shed light on the different mental conditions that affect them along with the emotional well being which gets disrupted by care giving. Sample: The author had correctly mentioned about the sampling that he had performed. He had taken the help of secondary data resources that had been provided from the 2007 Canadian General Society survey Cycle 21 (GSS-21). He had undertaken telephonic interview and recorded interviews of about 6140 cases where assistance were provided b the caregivers in the 12 months and 34 cases were excluded due to inconsistent and missing information about dependent and independent variable. This sampling that had been conducted by GSS is a non-probability sampling where the authority conducted the interview with the population above 45 year old only that is they had clear depiction of the population that could help them and acted accordingly. The sample was of adequate size as it provided a large amount of data as the sample size was also very large. The exclusion criteria were clearly stated that houses with cellular phones were excluded and those with phones were also not taken into consideration. Pro per explanation for its exclusion is also provided which also states the background for exclusion. Ethical Considerations: No ethical considerations like maintain confidentiality, or proper preserving of data, taking utmost security concerns to prevent data linkage was not done which is a negative aspect (LoBiondo et al., 2014). Operational Definitions: They have not provided any operational definitions as separate criteria in a particular definite section. However difficult terms re explained within brackets and hence can be understood by the author. The paper lacks proper operation definitions. Methodology: They conducted an interview in the form of survey with restricted options for each of the questions which helped them to get complete information in every of the criteria, the researcher had done a very good work by completely dividing each of the questions into definite answers which would ultimately help him in preparing a regression study in order to reach his aim. He had divided the caregivers into a number of categories depending upon their relations, judged their age, employment , health status, physical and mental condition along with dividing each of the into both the gender. The researcher had effectively been able to investigate each and every arena that needed to be ventured and thereby had given a proper survey methodology for it (Mouraviev et al., 2016). They have used definite scales like the Likert scales and others which proved the authenticity of the survey. However data collection had been secondary and also pilot study was not done in this case. This however, will not be able to affect any other important areas so can be neglected. Data Analysis: Data analysis was mainly based in the most common model used for linear regression called the ordinary least square models. This model is excessively used in such kind of experiments because they are the most easiest while conducting statistical analysis and also provides a better scenario. The model was applied respectively to males and females that portrayed the best accurate approach possible. The researcher also tested for the significance of difference in order to reach an area where the independent variable of gender can be properly analyzed on its effect on care giving capability which is a very good approach for data analysis in statistics (LoBiondo-Wood et al., 2014). No errors and violations were also found when they assessed the key model assumptions thereby indicating them to be able to get fruitful results that they wanted. While conducting the data analysis, it is very interesting to see that the author had been highly successful in correlating each of the independent variables with the dependent variables and thereby giving an excellent report on it. Not only they have established that more number of caregivers are women in comparison to male and they suffer more health related stress than males in all cases except in marital relationships where stresses are equal for male and female. . They have also shown that most cases show the primary recipient to be parents, followed by non family members, then children and then spouse. Physical health was more affected in case of males whereas mental health was more affected in case of female care givers. These are only some examples and more such correlations have been established that gives us an idea about the research gaps that had been able to resolve with the procedure (Heyvert et al., 2013). Proper tables have been provided to make the readers understand the results more clearly and good effort has been undertaken by the researchers. Discussion: A detailed study has been provided and discussed by the author. It is indeed impressive about the way that he had linked up the information to give a proper overview of the objectives. The self reported stress is found to be high among older caregivers. Women tend to report poorer mental health than male. Lack of gender differences are found in middle and old caregivers for children and both the gender tend to be equally affected. The researcher have found out through multivariate regression models that stresses are greater for both male and female when caring of spouse and children than caring for parents, siblings and others. Reports have also suggested that stresses for parental care giving and also spouse care giving for females is high because of greater obligations to provide care and depending upon the nature of relationship they also have fewer options to resist the pressure. They have explained that their inclusion of the multiple relationship types have helped them to provide a wide overview of the stresses experienced by different caregivers. These had helped the readers to understand the the gradual rise of stress level according to the different relationship shared by different carer-care recipient pairs (Quigley et al., 2015). Limitations were also clearly depicted by the researchers showing the considerations that they have avoided which could have been the major reasons for the answer of the respondents that they provided like the living arrangements of the pairs, differences in residential propinquity. This had been just one example and similar limitations have been clearly noted by him as well. Thereby although strengths were not clearly analyzed, limitations have been depicted by them clearly. Recommendations although discussed but not in details only suggesting some gaps are still present which need to be overcome. They have also suggested dra wing a relation between the age, gender and also the perceived ambivalence directly that they did not include in their study. References: References are done in APA 6th edition correctly but the papers have been taken form old papers as old as 1995 which may provide data that had become obsolete (Souto et al., 2015). This is one negative aspect of the paper. References: Heyvaert, M., Hannes, K., Maes, B., Onghena, P. (2013). Critical appraisal of mixed methods studies.Journal of mixed methods research, 1558689813479449. LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J. (2014).Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J., Cameron, C., Singh, M. (2014).Nursing research in Canada: Methods, critical appraisal, and utilization. Elsevier Health Sciences. Logie, C., Bogo, M., Regehr, C., Regehr, G. (2013). A critical appraisal of the use of standardized client simulations in social work education.Journal of Social Work Education,49(1), 66-80. Mouraviev, N., Mouraviev, N., Kakabadse, N. K., Kakabadse, N. K. (2016). Conceptualising public-private partnerships: a critical appraisal of approaches to meanings and forms.Society and Business Review,11(2), 155-173. Quigley, J. M., Thompson, J. C., Halfpenny, N. J., Scott, D. A. (2015). Critical Appraisal Of Real World EvidenceA Review Of Recommended And Commonly Used Tools.Value in Health,18(7), A684. Souto, R. Q., Khanassov, V., Hong, Q. N., Bush, P. L., Vedel, I., Pluye, P. (2015). Systematic mixed studies reviews: updating results on the reliability and efficiency of the mixed methods appraisal tool.International Journal of Nursing Studies,52(1), 500-501. van Dyk, S. (2014). The appraisal of difference: Critical gerontology and the active-ageing-paradigm.Journal of aging studies,31, 93-103.