Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Behavior Is Defined As A Social Science...

Organizational Behavior I Introduction Organizational behavior is defined as a social science discipline just like cultural anthropology, economics, political science, psychology and sociology. It uses the scientific method to establish the truth as well as to validate the different theories. It is also considered as a discipline that is related to other social sciences that has its origins historically has had its intellectual home in the business school and a new discipline that is related to other social sciences that has its origins during the mid of twentieth century. The main focus of the discipline is the world of organization with the connection or relation to the behavior and nature of the different people that are involved in an organization and the behavior and nature of the organization towards their environment. This study will focus on the two objectives of the organizational behavior which are the communication and innovation. It will also focus on its connection to the main or core concept o f the article Unlock Discretionary Effort. It will give emphasis on the application or connection of the two said objectives in the real world A. Motivation Motivation is considered as one of the most complex issues in organizational behavior. It is the process that helps to arouse as well as sustain the goal-directed behavior. Intentions, desires, needs as well as aspiration are the diverse terms that can be used toShow MoreRelatedOrganization Behavior Disciplines/ Ob Disciplines1764 Words   |  8 PagesAs with most sciences, there exists a basis in which it is developed. As in Organizational Behavior it is â€Å"the study of the structure and functioning of organizations and the behavior of groups and individuals within them† and â€Å"drawing primarily on the disciplines of sociology and psychology† (Warner, 1994), that present it as a science that has strong ties to other disciplines. 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